Does BIM give you the edge in the global market?

For many in the UK construction industry, Business Information Modelling, or BIM as it is known, has been at the forefront of all large construction projects for the last few years. The UK Government has tasked the industry to become BIM compliant by 2016. BIM is a collaborative approach to design and construction, providing intelligent information that is available throughout the life-cycle of the building, from the first sketches to the day of demolition, BIM services can help inform the construction and management of the building or structure.

Globally the benefits of BIM services are beginning to be understood, with the design and construction industries in countries such as China and the United Arab Emirates catching up fast. BIM is widely regarded as an intelligent model-based process that helps to create, explore, manage and maintain design and construction data to improve decision-making and enhance productivity. BIM give you the edge

With one of the key benefits to using BIM services in your design and construction project being the reduction of errors, which in turn leads to more accurate expenditure on projects and a faster construction time, the global market is increasingly keen to embrace BIM and all it has to offer. As more and more owners and developers require the integration of BIM services as a prequalification requirement for contractors as part of the tender process, BIM will continue to grow, leading to the positive spread of BIM experience and the benefits of this across the industry globally.

A recent Dodge report looked at a case study of the construction of the Shanghai Disneyland Resort, which showed that incorporating cutting edge BIM services into the project delivered real cost savings for the scheme. The case study found that nearly 3,000 potential clashes were identified and resolved over a six-month period, which will have had a significant impact on the cost-effectiveness of the construction.

Understandably, given the considerable benefits of utilising BIM services in any large construction project, increased client satisfaction is one of the overarching positives. The growth of BIM services and its adoption globally as a new approach to construction project delivery is attracting a great deal of attention, with large developments across the globe seeking out BIM expertise.

But does using BIM give you the edge in the global market? The short answer is yes. With businesses across the world looking to increase the quality of their building projects, reduce costs and compete globally, incorporating BIM services into your construction project is the way forward; whether you’re working on a shopping centre in Slough, a Disneyland Resort in China or an office block in the United Arab Emirates, BIM can help give your project the competitive edge.

For more information about BIM Services and BIM Compliance, as well as complete CAD solutions, visit The CAD Room website at or phone 0161 427 0348.