Digital transformation is a huge buzzword in many industries at the moment, and the construction industry is no different. It is hard to really define digital transformation as a term, as it is not just concerned with the adaption of technology but also the way that people work together. As a BIM company, we see how construction companies are digitally transforming their businesses on a daily basis, through the use of new materials, new building designs and more collaborative ways of working; but what are the benefits of adopting a more digital way of working for those companies that have not already done so?
Benefits of Digital Transformation
BIM (building information modelling) is a clear case in point as to how digital transformation can benefit businesses – especially with its use of so-called immersive technology. Whereas in the past, clients could only see the proposed building as a model on a screen, with the use of augmented reality, virtual reality and mixed reality, they can experience in a much easier-to-visualise way; allowing them to walk through the building as it where, before the first foundation stone has even been laid. This use of new technology also enables all contractors within the business – be they architects, electricians, builders and so on – to work closely on the same model as a virtual team, allowing the client to be at the centre of any design choices made. Working together in this way means that any issues with the building design should be identified before building starts, meaning they can be resolved in a more cost-efficient and effective way.
This efficiency of catching potential problems on site before they even occur also extends into other areas of the build as well, with VR (virtual reality) allowing both contractors and the client to ‘walk-through’ the finished design at the design stage, identifying any snags and correcting them and allowing the client to fully understand exactly what the building will look like and managing their expectations.
Challenges of Digital Transformation
So, digital transformation can improve the way that projects are delivered, but it is not an easy process to undertake – it will take effort, investment and time. The investment aspect of it is something that does put many businesses off, as they not only have to pay out for new software but also training staff on the new software. Knowing which digital trends to invest in can also be another stumbling block, as there are so many things being thrown at us on a daily basis it can be hard to know which one is going to be the next big thing.
The Future of Digital Transformation in Construction
The adoption of BIM by many construction companies means that they have actually already started their digital transformation without realising it. They have probably made the mistake of thinking that BIM is just one technology or approach when actually it is a new way of working powered by technology that is helping to revolutionise the industry. Around 62% of construction companies currently know about and use BIM, which means there is still a way to go to tackle technological advancement truly, but at least the construction industry is taking steps in the right direction.
If you want to start your business off on the digital transformation path, then come and talk to the experts at The CAD Room. We are one of the leading CAD and BIM outsourcing companies within the UK, with a professional and friendly approach guaranteed.