The focus so far with BIM seems to have been on the use of BIM in the front-end design process, and this focus now needs to broaden in order to make sure there is universal awareness and adoption of BIM. This is where the role of the BIM Manager comes in, and the increase in the number of BIM Manager jobs being posted recently reinforce this.  Also, The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors has published a paper entitled: “Building Information Modelling for Project Managers” which thoroughly explores the role of the project manager in BIM implementations.

Now, this paper is 42 pages long and goes quite in-depth into roles, responsibilities and practices. In this article, we will summarise the key points that we got from the paper for you.

Project Managers Drive BIM

Project Managers should use BIM as a tool to improve communication and collaboration on projects, in order to increase the operational efficiencies of the project team.  Project Managers can use the opportunity to provide companies with strategic advice on the overall transformation of the organisation. So, Project Managers need to take a central role in the discussion around BIM and make sure that their role and practices change in line with any changes that are made industry-wide. Therefore, they need to make sure they stay on top of emerging trends within BIM and construction to make sure their knowledge and competencies.

BIM Should Be Part Of The Project Management Process

The main task of the project manager is to ensure that all of the elements for a successful BIM project are in place throughout the project, and this includes the development of the PIM and the delivery of the AIM. This means that they need to be asking the right questions from the start, and making sure that all of the activities are implemented at the right time by the right people.

Project Managers to Set the Strategy for BIM

The role of the BIM manager is essential of built environment sector projects as they will need to guide organisations at a strategic level. BIM then becomes a vehicle for testing the adoption of any other construction technologies in the future, and how the project manager should assist project teams and organisations throughout this. It is critical that the manager harnesses all of the data that is created throughout the whole process, in order to improve operational efficiency.

For more information about BIM and how we can help your BIM Manager to fulfil their role, please call us on 0161 427 0348 or email us